
Courses of Fire

Zeroing - Battlesight Zero

Zeroing - Battlesight Zero
• Battlesight Zero is achieved when the sights are adjusted so the bullet strike is the same as point of aim at a given range
• The M16A1’s battlesight zero is 250 meters
• The M16A2’s battlesight zero is 300 meters
• The battlesight zero is also the sight setting that provides the highest hit probability for most combat targets with minimum adjustment to the aiming point
• Hunters call this point blank range

While the basic idea of battlesight zero is the same for the M16A1 & M16A2, there are procedural differences between the two rifles. The rifles have different rates of twists and fire different ammo and therefore have different trajectories and battlesight zero distances (M16A1, 250 meters / M16A2, & M4 300 meters). The sights are different. Even the 25 meter targets are different. As long as appropriate ammo and 25M targets are provided, zeroing for all three weapons can be accomplished at the same time. Marksmanship fundamentals and shot group analysis remains the same for all three weapons.